
How Scratchstakes® Works

How Scratchstakes® Works


Get up to eighty free scratch card sweepstakes plays per day. Instant cash prizes range from $1.00 to $8,888. Simply scratch the game card with your mouse or finger, or click reveal for faster game play. You will either win a cash prize or earn entries towards the daily $100 cash prize with each game played. Play one game or play them all. Get five plays each day for each game. All winners are notified via email. See below for the different games and prize amounts. Please see official rules for odds of each game.

In addition to each scratch card sweepstake's cash prizes, one (1) winner is chosen each day from all valid submitted entries across all users for the daily $100 sweepstakes.


Grant My Wishes
You could win $5, $250 or $500.
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Bank Buster
You could win $5, $50 or $500.
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Bonus Bankroll
You could win $5, $10 or $250.
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Bonus Bonanza
You could win $1, $5 or $20.
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Cash Boom
You could win $25, $50 or $100.
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Greenback Attack
You could win $10, $20 or $50.
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Lucky Leprechaun
You could win $20, $100 or $1,000.
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Sapphire 7's
You could win $7, $77 or $777.
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Baseball Bucks
You could win $1, $5 or $333.
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Cash In A Flash
You could win $8, $88 or $888.
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Cash Conquest
You could win $1, $2 or $10.
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Reelin' Cash
You could win $1, $2 or $5.
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Diamond Destiny
You could win $10, $25, $100, $250 or $2,500.
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Mega Moola
You could win $2, $5, $50, $500 or $5,000.
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Ramses Riches
You could win $1, $8, $88, $888 or $8,888.
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High Rollers
You could win $10, $100, $1,000 or $25,000.
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Cash Away
You could win $5, $10, $25 or $50.
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Cash Jackpot
You could win 299999.99.
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